
Excellence in Sterilizing Medical Devices 2025

Permit manufacturers to discuss contemporary challenges to design, supply, transportation, containerizing and packaging of devices while ensuring sustained production, product performance, and sterility assurance in the face of evolving rules and regulations.

LSX World Congress Europe

London, UK

The LSX World Congress is Europe's leading partnering, strategy, and investment event, with qualified 1:1 partnering at its core.

Conference on Cochlear Implants 2025

Boston, MA

The future of gene therapy for children and adults with hearing loss, cochlear implants in the hearing health continuum: the US and around the world.

DeviceTalks Boston

Boston, MA

The conference features expert-led sessions, product showcases, and networking opportunities, covering topics such as regulatory updates, device design, manufacturing, and commercialization.

10X2025: Humanizing MedTech

Leading Voice are coming together to create something real—a conference built around connection, learning, and action.

RAPS Euro Convergence 2025

Berlin, Germany

RAPS Euro Convergence is the most comprehensive regulatory affairs conference in Europe, focusing on the latest topics and developments in healthcare products in Europe and beyond

The MedTech Forum

Lisbon, Portugal

Together, we will tackle the ever- evolving opportunities and challenges for our industry, from innovation and digital transformation to regulatory developments and sustainability.

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